OTO Technology

1. OTO = Orange Tire Orientation
2. Locate and Identify Each Sensor's Location


ID Copy Function

/ Re-learn mode "Free" / Tirgger "Free" / OBD "Free"
/ All Orange sensors can be ID copied and ID Copy Function is Protected by U.S. Patent.


Assign Sensor Technology

1. No more triggering of the wrong sensors
2. Reduce program and ID copy errors.
3. Tool triggers your choice of sensor.
4. Only program and copy the assigned sensor.


Orange TPMS certification

Contact Us

+++ Please feel free to contact us with any Questions+++

Orange Electronic Inc.

P: +1(310)377-8835

F: +1(248)856-3910

Toll free for U.S. & Canada: 1866-492-4170

8255 Cascade Avenue, Suite 220, Commerce Township, MI 48382


